Fantastic! Thanks for sharing, Anthony! I have had a very similar routine for about a year and it has changed my life. No exageration.
I start with a quick workout to get my body and mind going. Then meditation/prayer/Bible time. The jump into reading and writing.
By the time I have breakfast, I feel more balanced and excited for the day than most people have the benefit of experiencing their entire week.
Not only does the routine start your day “right”, it makes it harder to have bad days. I mean, the foundation of your day is cast with intentionality and discipline!
For those skeptical, we can all come up with reasons and excuses why this type of routine would not work. I challenge you, make a list of your priorities (it may be reading, exercise, quiet time, or eating a healthy breakfast), then schedule a specific time in the day that works for you. Then stick with it to build the habit.
Within 2 weeks, you will find that your new routine is just that — part of a routine. It will happen with very little extra thought.
It will never magically occur by happenstance. We will default to the easy and convenient -which is often social media or television.
The key is to be intentional about how you spend your time.