Entitled to Success
The word entitlement is thrown around quite a lot lately — primarily when referring to millennials. But it is evidenced in politics, careers, and even fast-food lines.
When we feel we are owed something because of our standing in society, it changes our posture. No longer are we looking out for those around us, we’re inward-focused looking for ways we have been wronged.
As leaders, the sense of entitlement is a poisonous pill for our organization. The more we feel we are entitled to something, the more we focus on ourself. When we are focused on ourself, we are not focused on our team, our product, our customer, or our future — that is, the future of the organization.
It does not take a title to create entitlement. It is a posture. A mindset.
Success is not an entitlement; we must show up every day and earn it.
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